Monday, October 27, 2008

Metro to Conduct Random Bag Checks

This is something I always wondered about riding the metro to work everyday with people rocking over-sized bags. I have always felt safe but every precaution makes the Metro better and safer. I just hope I'm not hassled but now let's fix those red line delays.

From WashPo:
"Metro officials yesterday announced plans to immediately begin random searches of backpacks, purses and other bags in a move they say will protect riders and also guard their privacy and minimize delays.

The program is modeled after one begun three years ago in New York that has withstood legal challenges. However, experts said it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of such searches, beyond assuring the public that police are being vigilant. New York officials declined to say what they have found in their searches; none of the other transit systems conducting random searches have found any explosives, officials said."

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